Wednesday, July 9, 2014

June 9, 2014

I will start off by apologizing for not being able to send a mass email last week. We were off doing p-day shopping and horsing around for most of the day and then we forgot that we still needed to send off some emails. Instead of mailing off a mass email to mom and dad I decided to send a personal letter to each of them and about my current struggles. on that note on to this week we have been having a good couple weeks. We have been teaching a ton but we do not have a lot of people currently in our teaching pool. We have a couple in there but we are always praying more investigators. We have found a lot of people out and about and we will stop and talk with them and share a message but most of them have told us that they respect what we are doing but are currently not interesting in having the missionary discussions. Currently are only progressing investigator is Casey Forkenbrock and she is the one that we did the service for when we pulled out her stumps out of her front yard. She is a private investigator and doesn't know her schedule from day to day so our lessons have been just random stop by and hoping that she will be home. Unfortunately the only thing really stopping her from being baptized is coming to church. She will always tell us that she will definitely come to church as long as nothing gets in the way but most of the time between work and family coming into town something has stopped her from coming every week for the past month. We have talked to her about putting Heavenly Father first in her life and have promised her blessings many many times and she is slowly starting to realize that her priorities are out of order. So she is starting to realize the importance of things we ask her to do and soon she will come to church and feel the Spirit stronger and start to gain a testimony of what we have been teaching her. Well I better go now but that is a little update on the current missionary work going on in my area. I love y'all very much and hope that y'all have a great week!!

P.S. - I hope y'all are all reading Preach My Gospel and I will share an awesome quote that I have found as I am currently reading PMG from cover to cover instead of by topic.

“The most important of the Lord’s work you will ever do will be within the walls of your own homes.”

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