Sunday, November 17, 2013


Hey so I don't have time to send emails today because it is veterans day and like 6 different missionaries are trying to use the computer to send emails. So to sum up this week we didn't have too much happen but we should have 2 baptisms on Saturday so next week I will definitely have more to write and have a fairly good email and hopefully I will have some pictures for y'all too. We also gave talks this week in Victorian Village and I spoke on Faith and I think it went really well. This was probably the first talk that I wasn't nervous at all to give! Well sorry again for this email being so short and not too good but I love y'all very much and am very grateful for all the support that y'all continue to give. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Nice email from James:

Dang that's really cool about Dallin and the missionaries. I will have to give them rides and hang out with them when I come home!! Hopefully they will still live there when I come home! Thank you so much for the package those cookies are amazing and not good at all for my diet right now. Haha they were actually the wrong shoes but thats ok because I forgot about these shoes and they fit me better than the other ones. But I have to go now :( I love you very much and really do appreciate all that you do and have done for me my whole life because without you and dad I would not be on a mission right now. I love you very much!!


Elder Curtis


Well we had a somewhat good week here in the Taylor Mountain Stake. Part of the Plaisance family was able to be baptized which was awesome!! But unfortunately Haileigh did not get baptized because she accidentally wore a bra that had pink hearts on it and she was really embarrassed and did not want to get baptized. Her friend Carley Grey has a baptismal date for November 16th so we are hoping to see Haileigh and Carley both be baptized on the same day. Our other investigators are progressing some faster than others but that's expected and we are super glad to see them progress. The weather here the past couple days has been freezing cold!!!!! It sucks to bike in so we have been trying to find members to go out with us and we will have them pick us up. So usually in the evenings we try to stay out of the cold especially since with the time change the sun goes down at about 6. So for a typical day we will bike during the day and find a ride to dinner and then a member or a priest age youth to go out with us in the evenings. Well I have to back into the frozen tundra again and hopefully I will live to be able to hear from y'all next week. I love y'all very much.


Elder Curtis


It has been a fairly good week here with Elder Vigil we are continuing to work very hard to meet a district goal (25 baptismal dates) that Elder Miller and Lopes (the APs) have set for us. We are very close and have till the end of the evening tonight to reach that goal and hopefully we will be able to accomplish that goal. We have a baptism this weekend for the Plaisance family (Crissy, the mom, Haileigh, and Marcus) and we are helping Ross, the father, to be baptized 2 weeks later. This family has been meeting with missionaries since February and they have really been progressing well this transfer and are ready to be baptized and to make that next commitment in their lives. I am so happy to be able to be here for this baptism and am super excited for their family. Please pray for this family that they will follow through and be excited to make this covenant with Heavenly Father. I love you very much and really appreciate all help and prayers that y'all have given to help me out!! Have a great week!


Elder Curtis