Sunday, April 6, 2014

March 17th, 2014

Hello Hello family and outside world. How have y'all been? Well I don't have much to report like every other week but I will try to use mom's email and questions to inform y'all how I am doing. Well since it is St. Patricks Day I had to get a green dry erase marker and draw on my hands because out of all the many ties I have now none of them have green in them. Lol well life is going great here with Elder Hernandez we are continuing to work really well together and are getting along really well. I am still struggling with the journal writing because y'all know me better than everyone and know how much I hate to write. I am currently at Exodus 2 and have been really learning a lot about how the old testament has a ton of hidden treasures in it. One for example is how every single prophet that has called and will be called is a prime example of Jesus Christ and someone we can see and model ourselves after. A lot of people can quickly see the similarities between Heavenly Father = Abraham and Jesus Christ = Isaac but in my book I learned that if we look towards all the prophets that way we will be able to see Christ shining through all prophets. My contacts are doing great and I am pretty used to them now except when it is a really windy day they will dry up and feel really uncomfortable. Overall though I love them and they feel really nice most of the time. Tonight we are planning on going to a members house for dinner and to burn our shirt (me) and tie (hernandez) so next week I should have pictures for y'all for sure. Well I have to go run some errands and play some gatorball (it's like soccer and handball mixed together). I love y'all very much!!! Have a great week!! :) 

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